Monday, August 8, 2011

We're HOME....

On our way to Virginia we needed to get two new front tires. God was very gracious to us, we were in and out in 1 hour.

We went to the Appomattox Court House in Virginia. This is where the Civil War ended.

McLean House where General Lee surrendered to General Grant

What a nice big brother, he is helping Julia get a drink.

Our 27th campsite at Holliday State Park. This is one of the nicest campground that we stayed at.

You don't even know how excited we all were to see the Welcome to Pennsylvania sign!!!

We ended our trip at Gettsburg since our family loves history!! What a perfect end to an amazing adventure!

Our 28th campsite at Caledonia State Park

Our final campfire meal, which included steak, chicken and potatoes!

Josiah just loved making the fire.


We arrived home to find a Welcome Home Banner! We had such an amazing experience. God just blessed us with safety as we traveled over 11,500 miles. The kids did such a great job of all getting along and helping set up camp and take down camp! We couldn't of ask for a better trip. The six weeks went bye so fast. It is weird to look back and think that we were gone for six weeks and that we lived in a camper for that long. We are looking forward to when we can do the trip again. Thanks for following along with us! We enjoyed your comments along the way!