Monday, August 8, 2011

We're HOME....

On our way to Virginia we needed to get two new front tires. God was very gracious to us, we were in and out in 1 hour.

We went to the Appomattox Court House in Virginia. This is where the Civil War ended.

McLean House where General Lee surrendered to General Grant

What a nice big brother, he is helping Julia get a drink.

Our 27th campsite at Holliday State Park. This is one of the nicest campground that we stayed at.

You don't even know how excited we all were to see the Welcome to Pennsylvania sign!!!

We ended our trip at Gettsburg since our family loves history!! What a perfect end to an amazing adventure!

Our 28th campsite at Caledonia State Park

Our final campfire meal, which included steak, chicken and potatoes!

Josiah just loved making the fire.


We arrived home to find a Welcome Home Banner! We had such an amazing experience. God just blessed us with safety as we traveled over 11,500 miles. The kids did such a great job of all getting along and helping set up camp and take down camp! We couldn't of ask for a better trip. The six weeks went bye so fast. It is weird to look back and think that we were gone for six weeks and that we lived in a camper for that long. We are looking forward to when we can do the trip again. Thanks for following along with us! We enjoyed your comments along the way!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 25th and 26th, Nashville & Pigeon Forge, Tennesse

Grand Ole Opry, Nashville
Jason gammin out...

26th campsite at Eagles Nest, Pigeon Forge

Kids enjoying the pool

Josiah enjoying the wifi...

And tomorrow we begin our trek home. Two more stops and we will be resting at 158 South Third Street over the weekend!! What an amazing opportunity we have had to do this trip. We have learned so much about our country and had a wonderful time with our children. Thank you Lord, you are soooo good to us!

July 23rd & 24th, Memphis Tennessee

We went to the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis where Martin Luther King Jr was assinated.

The museum is built around the motel that he was shoot at. This is the site where the shooting occured.

Memphis was a very old town. We seen more trolleys here than San Francisco.

This is where Elvis,Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis and lots more recorded their very first songs that became hits!

And, what is Memphis without Graceland!!

Guitar that Elvis used alot on stage.

The racquetball room lounge where Elvis played his piano the night before he died.

Walls and walls of hit records!

His living room

Meditation Garden, where Elvis, his parents and grandmom is buried.

Hot Springs, Arkansas

24th campsite at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

There where natural hot springs throughout this one street. The water was 143 degrees! It didn't feel to good to us because it was 110 degrees. Can't you tell by the look on the kids faces, they are just sooo happy that I am taking their picture.

Girls dressing up in one of the shops along the street

This is in one of the Bath houses we were able to go in. They used these bath house in the 1920's to help heal people.

We came back to our campsite to cool down in the creek! The park ranger gave the kids some nets to find creatures!! And boy did they find some! Thankfully I was not in the creek. I just watched them along the rocks.

And this is what Hannah found, a gigantic leach!!! GROSS, like I said thankfully I was not in the creek!! When the ranger put it on his car, the baby leaches started coming off, YUCK! So, that was our fun in Arkansas!!

July 20 & 21 Kansas and Oklahoma City

Our 22nd campsite in Lindsborg Kansas, aka "Little Sweden"

We where the only ones camping at this local park. Here is Jason & LaRynn pretending to drive. Jason has been showing LaRynn how to drive.. little scary!!

Jason wanted to post this picture because all he does is drive and fill up the tank! As you can tell it cost alot!!!

Here is our 23rd campsite at a Casino!! Who said that nothing good comes out of a casino? We got a free campsite with electic and water... I'd say that is not bad! This casino is rigth outside of Oklahoma City.

We visited the Oklahoma City booming site....

Kids at the relection pool. This was a very educational stop for us. The park ranger explained in details what happened on that horrible day.

This is across the street from the federal building that was boomed. This site used to be a church. Instead of rebuilding the church they made this memorial of Jesus. Jesus has his hands in his face and on the stone it reads "And Jesus wept". The pillars represent the people who died, and Jesus is turned away from the site to say that He has no parts in this horrible crime. As the ranger is telling this to the people around me I began to think that here this man is giving the gospel! Not sure if he was a Christian or not but he spoke the gospel to the people!! What an awesome story! May God be praised and glorified !

You probably can't tell but it was 115 degrees that day. We decided to treat ourselves to our favorite family restaurant, Texas Roadhouse. What a great way to end a day!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 17th & 18th in Colorado Springs

We made it to our 21st campground in Falcon Colorado. About 10 miles outside of Colorado Springs.

We started our day out at the USA Olympic Training Center. What a neat experience to see what it takes to be a Olympic champion.

Perfect number for the Blair's(five)!

There they go, they are off!

Rocky Mountains

We really enjoyed visiting Focus on the Family. We must have spend 3 hours there.

There was a kids center downstairs from their show "The Oddesey"

Jason's highligth, the veladrome in Colorado Springs.