Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 20 & 21 Kansas and Oklahoma City

Our 22nd campsite in Lindsborg Kansas, aka "Little Sweden"

We where the only ones camping at this local park. Here is Jason & LaRynn pretending to drive. Jason has been showing LaRynn how to drive.. little scary!!

Jason wanted to post this picture because all he does is drive and fill up the tank! As you can tell it cost alot!!!

Here is our 23rd campsite at a Casino!! Who said that nothing good comes out of a casino? We got a free campsite with electic and water... I'd say that is not bad! This casino is rigth outside of Oklahoma City.

We visited the Oklahoma City booming site....

Kids at the relection pool. This was a very educational stop for us. The park ranger explained in details what happened on that horrible day.

This is across the street from the federal building that was boomed. This site used to be a church. Instead of rebuilding the church they made this memorial of Jesus. Jesus has his hands in his face and on the stone it reads "And Jesus wept". The pillars represent the people who died, and Jesus is turned away from the site to say that He has no parts in this horrible crime. As the ranger is telling this to the people around me I began to think that here this man is giving the gospel! Not sure if he was a Christian or not but he spoke the gospel to the people!! What an awesome story! May God be praised and glorified !

You probably can't tell but it was 115 degrees that day. We decided to treat ourselves to our favorite family restaurant, Texas Roadhouse. What a great way to end a day!

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